"The Single" 300 Grams (Ground Bean)

"The Single" 300 Grams (Ground Bean)

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In Houston music culture, a single was thought to be an artist's best song from a specific album. A single would be the song written to capture the attention of radio personalities, prove the artist's writing ability, build great anticipation for an upcoming album, and was normally written with the city in mind. In the coffee world, a single-origin product means that it came from one region, without any blending. Our Rwandan bean is the chosen single-origin bean. We chose this bean to capture the taste buds, and hearts of those who love specialty coffee from regions that aren't so well known. We decided to use the Rwandan bean from the Gasharu Region to bring light to this wondrous and beautiful country. The Rwandan bean we use is a very versatile bean. Bringing noticeable flavor and consistency in multiple brewing options such as pour-overs, french press, drip coffee, and espresso. The money that we spend on purchasing these beans goes back to single moms that work on those coffee farms to provide for their families. We are thankful for Umoko Coffee and its efforts to supply us with ethically sourced coffee beans from Rwanda.